If you are looking for a community to learn and practice the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata to achieve great things, welcome home!
Looking for learning? Scroll down!
We are a group of kata coaches and learners, and we are here to share.
If you want to learn, attend a Toyota Kata introduction or find ways to practice, we can help.
Visit our learning resource Mural here
Love the I Don't Know Yeti? See below!
Got your own I Don't Know Yeti and need buttons? Email info@kata-school-cascadia.org for buttons.
We have a US store!
We have a store for KSC logo merchandise at cost in Canadian dollars.
Looking for our Kata School Cascadia earring collection. Find them here.
Our Kata School is founded by coaches with many years experience.
Since the Kata Coaches Dojo World Tour in 2019, we have met Friday lunchtimes on Zoom to talk about all things Coaching Kata.
In 2021 we added a group for Starter Kata learners. Want to join the conversaton? Contact us.
Kata Together 2025! Our Summer Kata Together week at Kass Tailored in Mukilteo WA USA is July 14-18 2025!
Save-Me-A-Spot list tickets here. Join the list to get first chance to register and be included in the program decisions. We will be tring new exercises and exploring new areas together. Let's make it the best ever!
The Coaching Kata and Improvement Kata are patterns of action and thought that build a metaskill habit of scientific thinking.
The benefits? You, your team, family, orgainzation, or region will develop and mobilize creative capabilities, confidence and the ability to handle tough challenges.
Our Videos
Mark Rosenthal's What is Kata? presentation was recorded for you. Watch it and send in comments.
We have a Youtube Channel.
Follow us for recorded sessions and more.
For example, our "4 years of Friday zooms" celebration with Tracy Defoe, Mark Rosenthal, Altung Bingin Altintas, Gemma Jones and William Harvey. Watch it here.